Statement: UCP Resolutions

The Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC), as a source of knowledge and expertise on social issues is deeply saddened and concerned by the recent United Conservative Party (UCP) Annual General Meeting resolutions that target vulnerable and equity denied individuals and groups in Alberta.
In the coming days, through data-informed evidence, ESPC will be releasing several blog posts that challenge the UCP position statements. We encourage everyone to read the blogs at to gain an understanding of the issues and the impact these resolutions may have on vulnerable and equity denied groups
The Edmonton Social Planning Council is a registered charitable organization that, through the lens of data and evidence, conducts independent, non-partisan social research into issues and policies that deeply and negatively impact low-income, poverty, and equity denied individuals. For over 80 years, the ESPC has been dedicated to encouraging equitable social policy, supporting other organizations that improve the lives of Edmontonians, and educating the public regarding social issues that impact them daily.