Vanessa Zembal
Acting Executive Director
Vanessa Zembal has a Master’s Degree in Human Ecology from the University of Alberta. Vanessa is an active volunteer, working with organizations such as the Human Ecology Graduates Students’ Association, Homeward Trust, and as a previous volunteer research writer with the Council.
Vanessa has served on the Board of the Edmonton Social Planning Council since 2018 in order to learn about and contribute to conversations about the Edmonton community, our history, and what the Edmonton of the future might look like. She is also excited to learn more about how research is communicated to the public and applied directly to communities.
Vanessa Zembal
Acting Executive Director
Leticia Ribeiro
Executive Assistant
Sydney Sheloff
Strategic Research Coordinator
Brett Lambert
Research Officer
Janell Uden
Research Services and Capacity Building Coordinator
Susanne Urbina
Capacity Support Assistant