Inside The Cover: 
- City of Edmonton. (2015). Ending Poverty in a Generation. EndPoverty Task-force.
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada. (2015). Access to Health Services for Remote First Nation Communities. House of Commons Canada
- Noble, A. (2015). Beyond Housing First: A Holistic Response to Family Home-lessness in Canada. Raising the Roof.
- Johal, S., & Granofsky, T. (2015). Growing Pains: Childcare in Canada. Mowat Centre
- McIntruff, K., & Lockhart, C. (2015). The Best and Worst Places to be a Women in Canada 2015. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Teeluck, K. (2015). The Invisible Victims: Examining the Impacts of a Minimum Residency Requirement for Social Assistance on Refugee Claimants. Citizens for Public Justice.
- Allan, B., & Smylie, J. (2015). First Peoples, Second Class Treatment: The Role of Racism in the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples in Canada (Discussion Paper) (Non-Governmental Organization). Wellesley Institute.
Download the December 2015 Research Review—Issues in Canadian Public Policy here!