$10-a-Day Childcare for Alberta

The Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC) is pleased to learn about the recent agreement between the provincial and federal governments to offer $10-a-day child care for families in Alberta. This announcement will lead to 42,500 new regulated spaces and cut child care fees in half, reaching an average of $10 per day for children under six by 2026.
ESPC has championed the need for high-quality, affordable, and accessible child care as a means to reduce family and child poverty. Alongside Public Interest Alberta and the Alberta Council for Social Workers, we continue to publish an annual Alberta Child Poverty report.
Child care for a family may be the second-largest household expense after housing and can be as high as 67% of their monthly income, making it extremely difficult for a family to afford nutritious food, housing, education and other expenses.
The economic and social outcomes from the COVID-19 pandemic continue to affect families, especially those living in low-income and poverty. Without access to high-quality, affordable, and accessible child care, parents—especially women—may struggle to find adequate employment. This bilateral agreement will support more parents to engage in the workforce and economy, and create more opportunities for children to succeed.
Early learning and care is a shared responsibility across all levels of government. ESPC looks forward to seeing a child care system in place that benefits all families in need.