2010 Time for Action

Title:Time for action: working together to end poverty in Alberta. Author(s):Kolkman, John|split|Ahorro, Joseph|split|Varlen, Kory|split|Moore-Kilgannon, Bill K Corporate Author: Edmonton Social Planning Council Public Interest Alberta Subject:Poverty – general...

2010 Predictable Crisis

Title:A predictable crisis: older, single women as the new face of homelessness. Author(s):Sharam, Andrea Subject:Women – older women|split|Women – poverty|split|Housing – temporary, emergency, homelessness Publisher:Australian Policy Online Place of...

2010 Power of Taxes

Title:The power of taxes: the case for investing in Canadians. Author(s):Dale, Stephen|split|Hennessy, Trish Publisher:Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Place of Publication:Ottawa Date of Publication:2010 Abstract: What do you think of when you hear the word...

2010 Breaking the Cycle

Title:Breaking the cycle: the second progress report. Variant Title:Ontario’s poverty reduction strategy 2010 annual report Corporate Author: Ontario Cabinet Committee on Poverty Reduction Subject:Poverty – planning, policy Publisher:Government of Ontario...

Make Work Pay for More Alberta Families

Edmonton Journal Op-Editorial By John Kolkman When the National Council of Welfare released a study showing Alberta’s welfare rates to be among the lowest in Canada, Premier Ralph Klein responded that his government’s philosophy is to provide a ‘hand up’ rather than a...