Title: Homelessness in Yellowknife: An emerging social challenge.
Author(s): Falvo, Nick
Citation: Report No. 4
Subject: Housing – temporary, emergency, homelessness
Publisher: The Canadian Homelessness Research Network Press
Place of Publication: Toronto
Date of Publication: 2011
Abstract: There is a considerable amount of visible homelessness in Yellowknife (NWT), yet very little third-party analysis of the situation. This report begins by briefly discussing who is homeless in Yellowknife and then outlines program responses, including emergency shelters and various models of housing. An overview will then be provided of major funding initiatives from the federal and territorial governments, as well as various forms of homelessness assistance provided by the City of Yellowknife. The report concludes by making policy recommendations with respect to the need for increased accountability, shelter standards, more housing options for the homeless, and a public health response to alcohol and drug use.
Series: The Homeless Hub Research Report Series
Material Type: Report

D. HOUSING/2011 homelessness_yellowknife.pdf

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