Please join the board and staff of the Edmonton Social Planning Council to celebrate our accomplishments of the past year and to hear about upcoming activities of the Council.
At this event, EPSC will be conducting an election to replace non-returning board members and potentially filling our board complement to a maximum of 12. This year we have four open positions for new board members to be elected to their first 2-year term.

Also featuring a keynote presentation by Cheryl Whiskeyjack of the Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society:

"This is not new"

The executive director of Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society is engaged in finding ways of tracking the progress of their programmes to determine how their traditional approach to healing in one area has influenced practices in other programmes. Through traditional ways of being and knowing they help children, youth, and families. These healing practices are not new. They provide insight for other agencies, and government services, to better understand the people they are dealing with by becoming a participant in these healing practices. Cheryl has been a strong voice for change in the ways we all deal with cultural traditions. Bent Arrow's new focus on documenting how these practices have changed the effectiveness of other programmes is revealing new opportunities to expand the scope of their efforts through traditional ways of knowing and doing.

If you are interested in board service, please go to the ESPC website and fill out the application form.

Although it is possible to be nominated to the ESPC Board from the floor at the AGM, candidates who fill out the application form by May 11th, 2017, can ask questions of the ESPC Membership and Board Development Committee and will have a short biography included in the AGM hand out. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please RSVP by May 17th by emailing or calling 780-423-2031 ext 349.

25 May at 17:30–19:00

University of Alberta, Education South Room 158

Parking is available in the Education Car Park. Transit options are available via bus or LRT.



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