Media Release: Joint Statement on the British Columbia and Canadian Government Agreement on a National System of Early Learning and Child Care

The Edmonton Social Planning Council and the Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care are very pleased to hear the announcement that British Columbia’s provincial government reached a deal with the federal government to participate in a national system of early learning and child care that seeks to make child care more affordable and more accessible to families. The aim of the national system is to create new spaces over the next five years, with average fees cut in half by the end of 2022 and reaching $10 per day for children under six by 2027.
Access to high-quality, universally accessible, inclusive, and affordable child care is a proven method for lowering child poverty across Canada. It is an especially profound intervention for single mothers, who are among the most affected by poverty. When staffed with highly skilled and well-supported early childhood educators, early learning and care can nurture the development of young children, provide important support for families, and generate long- and short-term economic benefits for society.
In order for the child care system to reach every Canadian family that needs it, agreements between the federal government and each respective provincial or territorial government need to be reached. Early learning and care is a shared responsibility across as levels of government. We call on Alberta’s provincial government to follow suit and work toward building a child care system that benefits all families in need.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Brett Lambert, Community Engagement Coordinator
Edmonton Social Planning Council
Heather Raymond, Coordinator
Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care
Phone: (780) 451-3246