Gap Analysis of Public Mental Health a& Addictions is the first project in Alberta’s history that has attempted to produce a detailed, comprehensive, and systematic description f provincially funded addiction and mental health servirces in relation to population need. Despite the many limitations associated with this project, we believe that the results presented here will strategically valuable for multiple stakeholders, including Alberta Health Services (AHS), Alberta Health, other Goverments of Alberta (GoA) ministries and GoA-funded service providers, as well as a variety of addiction and mental health advocacy communities.
Released February 2014
Produced by: University of Alberta/ School of Public Health
- T. Camerson Wild, Professor
- Jody Wolfe, Research Associate
- Jian Wang, PhD Student
- Arto Ohinmaa, Associate Professor
F. SOCIAL ISSUES/F.02 HEALTH/AB Health GAP Analysis mental health addictions2014.pdf