Social Well-Being Indicator Tracker

Our social well-being indicators are based on social determinants of health. These indicators are the economic and social conditions that shape the health of individuals and communities. Social determinants of health also determine the extent to which a person possesses the physical, social, and personal resources to identify and achieve personal aspirations, satisfy needs, and cope with the environment. Social determinants of health are about the quantity and quality of a variety of resources that society makes available to its members. Important considerations include both the quality and their distribution amongst the population.

BDGovernment Transfer Indicators




BD1 Average Monthly Number of Households Receiving Alberta Works, Edmonton Region



BD1 Average Monthly Number of Households Receiving Alberta Works, Edmonton Region

BDGovernment Transfers Indicators

BDGovernment Transfers Indicators Menu

  • The number of Edmontonians receiving social assistance through Alberta Works has been increasing.
  • Alberta Works caseloads reflect underlying economic conditions with a time lag due to households that lack employment income and are accessing EI benefits first. This is particularly the case for the “Expected to Work” component of the caseload. Even after the economy has started to recover, Alberta Works caseloads can remain elevated for some time.
  • Please note, for 2023, data was only available for January through September, so the average caseload for 2023 is not directly comparable to past years.

Government Transfers. Government income supports (also known as income transfers), as well as other social programs and services, play an important role in the prevention of poverty.

For many people, hard work is not enough to break the cycle of poverty. Barriers to accessing well-paid employment include: limited English language proficiency, lower education completion, unrecognized international credentials, social isolation, limited access to child care, conflicting work and family responsibilities, and even the difficulties of navigating government programs. These barriers disproportionately affect visible minority groups (particularly newcomers), Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and lone-parent women.

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