Title:Effective, just and humane: a case for client-centered collaboration.
Variant Title:A case study of John Howard Society of Toronto’s Housing Program
Corporate Author: John Howard Society of Ontario
Wellesley Institute
Subject:Health issues – social determinants of health|split|Housing – affordable, social housing|split|Housing – temporary, emergency, homelessness|split|Social services – planning, policy|split|Social services – programs, service
Publisher:John Howard Society of Ontario
Place of Publication:Toronto
Date of Publication:2012
This case study sought to assess an existing multi-sectoral housing program model, operated by the John Howard Society of Toronto, that aims to assist clients in securing independent and affordable housing, while also addressing the complex needs of clients through established linkages to other necessary social supports and services in the community, that could potentially act as a best practices model to be applied elsewhere. The objective of this research, therefore, was to undertake a case study of the John Howard Society of Toronto’s (JHST) Housing Program model, to examine its efficacy at reducing the social determinants of health inequity among high-needs, high-risk clients. It also sought to examine the collaborative processes among various agencies involved with the program, and to provide recommendations for agencies working with high-needs, high-risk clients on how to integrate, coordinate and optimize the delivery of programs to this population. Finally, through the research findings, this study sought to identify policy changes that would facilitate the improvement of health equity for homeless populations in Ontario, with particular emphasis on high-needs and high-risk individuals. [Taken from Executive Summary]