Vital Topic: Financial Reality of Millennials in Edmonton

March 23, 2020
» Download the new Vital Topic: Financial Reality of Millennials in Edmonton
Edmonton Vital Signs is an annual checkup conducted by the Edmonton Community Foundation, in partnership with the Edmonton Social Planning Council, to measure how the community is doing. Vital Topics are a quick but comprehensive look at issues that are timely and important to Edmonton.
In this edition, we take a look at the financial realities for millennials in Edmonton. This includes recent data on student debt loads, income levels, workforce characteristics, housing, child care, spending habits, as well as the rise of the “gig economy” (i.e. part-time or contract jobs needed to make ends meet) making up a sizable portion of millennials in the workforce.
Related categories: ESPC Publications: Vital Signs | ESPC Publications: Vital Topics | Labour: Youth | Social Issues: Income