fACT Sheet: Affordability Payments to Address Rising Inflation: What You Need to Know

January 12, 2023
Please note this is an excerpt from this fACT Sheet
Rising inflation has been a pressing concern for all households trying to make ends meet. Increasing prices for food, fuel, utilities (e.g. heat, electricity), and other goods has been a stressor for many Albertans, especially those living in low-income and poverty as wages and income support programs have been stagnant. The latter income support programs also did not keep pace with inflation between 2019 and 2022 before being re-indexed for 2023.
To address these affordability pressures, the Government of Alberta will be distributing temporary relief payments of $600 to eligible households. These payments will be tax-free.
The following is a breakdown of the known details (as of January 9, 2022) of these affordability payments and what people need to know to apply. More information can be found on the Government of Alberta website.
Related categories: ESPC Announcements | ESPC Publications: Fact Sheets | Levels of Government: Alberta