fACT Sheet: The True Impact of Immigration on Housing and Employment

In the past few months, more and more attention has been given to immigration and its purported effects on local economies. In September of 2022, 5% of Canadians rated immigration as one of the top 3 issues facing Canada, in September of 2024, 21% did, a four-fold increase (Angus Reid Institute, 2024a). As this issue has gained more prominence in the public eye, misinformation has flourished, with immigrants being blamed for many social and economic issues. The purpose of this fACT sheet is to dispel a lot of the misinformation surrounding immigration to Canada and its effects on jobs, employment, and housing.
Immigrants are an essential part of Edmonton’s fabric. According to the 2021 Census of Canada, almost one-third (32.6%) of people living in the city of Edmonton were immigrants (Statistics Canada, 2023a). Aside from Indigenous Peoples, everyone living in Canada is a descendant of immigrants. Conversations surrounding immigration often boil down to an “us” versus “them” mentality – “they” are coming into “our” country and destroying “our” labour and housing markets. We need to recognize that immigrants are not outsiders, but part of what makes our communities vibrant. As this fACT sheet will illustrate, many of these issues are really the fault of government policy and systemic inequities.