Looking for research on a social issue or related topic? We can help. The Edmonton Social Planning Council offers a free research service to non-profit organizations, researchers, public sector employees, and other community stakeholders who are searching for current...

Public Education & Engagement

The ESPC provides topical and relevant information on social issues to the human services sector, policy makers, the media, the general public, and our membership. We are committed to increasing public awareness, and are able to speak at community events,...

Research & Policy Analysis

The ESPC provides the human services sector and the citizens of Edmonton with community-based research and analysis on social issues that impact the Edmonton area. Our research typically focuses on low-income issues, including: poverty homelessness affordable housing...


Through coordination & collaboration the ESPC works in partnership with other community members and organizations to meet community needs, and participates in coalitions of shared interest to address social issues. Continue with leadership examples, links to...