Canadian Index of Well Being

Purpose of the index is to provide Canadians with a clear, valid and regular accounting of the things that matter to them and the progress made in Canada in regards to social, human, and economic wealth. It is intended to measure the quality of life of all Canadians, examining such things as income & jobs, social cohesion, personal security, educational attainment of population, and more. Site emphasis their magazine Reality Check that contains information regarding the index and quality of life.   

Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI): Pembina Institute

Pembina is an independent, non-profit environmental policy research and education organization that is involved with the Genuine Progress Indicators (GPI). The GPI is a new system for measuring the total well-being and sustainability of regions, measuring economic, social and environmental factors by using 51 statistical measurements. It has been introduced as an alternative to such measures like the Gross Domestic Product. Site contains current GPI information for Alberta, including news articles, reports, downloadable fact sheets, and surveys.     

GPI Atlantic: Genuine Progress Index for Atlantic Canada 

GPI Atlantic was founded in 1997 as a non-profit research group responsible for constructing a new index of sustainable development. Includes resources related to natural and social capital, environmental quality, and socio-economic factors. Although the data is for Atlantic Canada, this is a great source of information regarding the need for the GPI, differences between GPI and GDP, and general information on GPI in Canada.    

How Canada Performs: A Report Card on Canada

Created by the Conference Board of Canada, this interactive website compares Canada's quality of life to that in peer countries. It includes analysis on economic, social, health, innovation, education & skills, and environmental indicators.

Health Indicators: Canadian Institute for Health Information 

Located on the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) website, this is a link to health indicators that are standardized measures by which to compare health status and health system performance among different jurisdictions. This site also features online database of health indicators, reports "Health Indicators" for different years, and comparable health indicators.    

Health Indicators: Statistics Canada 

This is an Internet-based data publication which features updated health region data on over 80 indicators of health. Includes tables on non-medical determinants of health (labour force, income, housing etc), health conditions, and health system performance. It also explains the health indicators framework, which describes the current indicators, categories and dimensions.  

Low income cut-offs

This Statistics Canada page defines low-income cut-offs explains why they are used, how they are calculated, and the differences between before and after tax low-income cut-offs.

New Economics Foundation

The NEF is an independent think-and-do tank that aims to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. The website contains resources on economics, environment, and society, as well as action resources, publications, and links to other organizations.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) 

FCM programs address green initiatives, affordable housing, women in government, climate protection and partnering with First Nations communities. They also provide an opportunity for Canadian municipalities to share know-how and resources domestically as well as overseas through international development initiatives.

Quality of Life Research Unit: University of Toronto

This unit carries out quality of life research related to communities, families, and individuals which examines the impact influences have upon the meaning in life. Site contains an in-depth examination of the concepts and models of quality of life, numerous papers on related topics, and an interactive online tool to assess one's own quality of life.

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