Call for Nominations: Award of Merit 2021

March 22, 2021

Award of Merit for Advocacy of Social Justice

The Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC) is an organization committed to undertaking social research for the benefit of the entire community. We recognize many individuals and groups in our community also work tirelessly to advocate for programs in parallel to the ESPC vision of a just and inclusive community. The ESPC’s annual Award of Merit recognizes an individual, or group, we believe has demonstrated a dedication and achievement in the pursuit of social policies for the benefit of Edmontonians, particularly those who are the most vulnerable.


The ESPC’s Award of Merit for Advocacy of Social Justice honours forward-looking and courageous individuals and groups who have not turned away from controversy in an effort to seek social justice for either a defined community group or for the community as a whole. The following broad criteria must be met:

  1. There is a clear impact on the community directly attributed to the work of the nominated individual or group.
  2. The work of this individual or group is either ongoing or was conducted for a considerable period of time (not a one-time event or short-term volunteer activity).


Notice of this award will be on the ESPC website annually and will be advertised on social media, at least one month prior to the deadline. ESPC members, ESPC Board members, and the general public are all eligible to make nominations.

A nominating committee made up of ESPC Board members will adjudicate nominations. If multiple nominees meet the criteria, the committee will decide which nominee(s) will receive the Award.


Nominations will be received until Sunday, April 25, 2021, for consideration by the committee. The Award of Merit for Advocacy of Social Justice is presented at the ESPC Annual General Meeting each year.

This year the meeting will be held virtually on May 27th, 2021.

Posted by:

Justine Basilan

Related categories: ESPC Announcements
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