Food Security Links

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development This department of the Alberta government provides statistics related to agriculture and food, including average food prices for Edmonton. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development: Statistics: Food & Beverages This...

Education Links

Alberta Education Alberta Education, a department of the Alberta Government, supports the needs of students, parents, teachers and administrators from Early Childhood Services (ECS) through Grade 12. Site includes publications, surveys, and statistics.    ...

Edmonton Resource Links

211 Edmonton 211 is a 24-hour information and referral line that helps people connect to social, health and government services. 211 Alberta – Edmonton and Area is a program that is operated by the Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton Region. 211...

Canada Resource Link

Caledon Institute of Social Policy    The Caledon Institute is a social policy think tank that seeks to promote discussion on poverty and social policy. Publications focus on a variety of topics, including income security, health, social services, and...

Alberta Resource Links

Alberta College of Social Workers Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) is the regulatory body for social workers in Alberta, and promotes advocacy around social policy issues. Their website offers links to related websites and publications. Alberta Demographic...