Action for Healthy Communities

Action for Healthy Communities (AHC) is the working name of the Edmonton Healthcare Citizenship Society (EHCS), a nonprofit community organization operating in central Edmonton since 1995. Its strategy involves working together with residents and self-defined community members (based on such criteria as age, ethnicity, geography, life stage, and values) of ten economically challenged and culturally diverse neighbourhoods in central Edmonton.  

Philia: A Dialogue on Caring Citizenship

The Philia Dialogue on Caring Citizenship was founded on the simple belief that the health, well-being and strength of our society requires the presence and participation of all citizens. The organization envisions a society in which every person can be a full and contributing citizen.


Tamarack is a charitable organization dedicated to helping Canadian communities take ownership of local issues by making use of proven strategies for community engagement. Designed to promote community engagement across Canada, the institute’s mission is to develop a process to help people create bold visions for the future of their communities, and work together to achieve those visions more easily and effectively.

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