Statistics & Tools Links

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) has a legislated mandate to provide national leadership and evidence-informed analysis and advice to mobilize collaborative efforts to reduce alcohol- and other drug-related harms. Site...

Social Inclusion Links

Action for Healthy Communities Action for Healthy Communities (AHC) is the working name of the Edmonton Healthcare Citizenship Society (EHCS), a nonprofit community organization operating in central Edmonton since 1995. Its strategy involves working together with...

Seniors’ Links

Alberta Council on Aging Alberta Council on Aging (ACA) is a non-profit registered charitable organization that is committed to maintain or improve the quality of life for seniors and encourage their full participation in all aspects of society. Alberta Seniors,...

Poverty & Low Income Links

Alberta Works A family support program administered by the Alberta Ministry of Employment and Immigration. The Alberta Works Income Support Program provides financial benefits to individuals and families who do not have the resources to meet their basic needs,...